Bishop Victor T. Curry
Celebrates 60 with Harlem Nights Soiree
during WMBM’s 25th Anniversary Weekend
n March 6th, 2020, the Hyatt Regency Downtown Mi-
ami welcomed a sold-out elegant gathering of honored
guests and community leaders celebrating Bishop Victor T.
Curry’s 60th birthday. The event also served as the launch
of Gospel AM1490’s 25th Anniversary yearlong celebra-
tion where Bishop Curry serves as President and General
The Harlem Nights Soiree featured a Ted Vernon specialty
vehicle. A Red and Black with white trim 1920 Roadster
Royal served as an evening show stopper along with the
Orchestra styles of Melodious Vibrations who sang the
Harlem themed tunes of James Brown as Bishop Curry
joined the Celebration escorted by his three lovely daugh-
ters Victoria, Veronica and Victory. Bishop’s “Angels” later
delivered a moving tribute full of love and humor to their
Dad and rolled out a stunning custom designed cake with
crystals and sparklers taking the celebration to heightened
The evening was dripped with elegance, glamour and en-
tertainment, from Saxophonist Michael Emmanuel’s per-
formance during the reception to an unending list of enter-
tainers captivating the attention of 500 Guests throughout
the evening. While candles twinkled in crystal studded
candelabras over black and white table tops with hints of
red accents and a royal red draped stage, an entourage
of family, friends, community leaders, showered Bishop as
he danced to old school tunes in a classic sea of 1920’s
royalty. Broderick Rice’s Comedy Show garnished the din-
ner hour and an Old School Gang Performance topped the
evening as Bishop Curry was presented with an Honor-
ary OSG Jacket as he joined them in the spotlight. Hosted
by the illustrious Tamara G and WMBM’s DJ MJ with after
party sounds of DJ Spencer, Bishop Victor T. Curry’s 60th
Birthday Soiree stands out as this year’s top event with
design and décor powered by TDG Events.
The celebration continued March 8th, with Bishop’s Birth-
day and the Anniversary of Gospel AM 1490 WMBM. Sun-
day’s packed worship experience at New Birth Baptist
Church Cathedral of Faith International included an inspi-
rational praise, dance, and a powerful Word delivered by
WMBM Interim Chair, Elder Kenneth A. Duke, Senior Pas-
tor Teacher of the New Jerusalem Primitive Baptist Church.
Well-wishes from the local, national and global community
were shared including International Gospel Recording Art-
ist Pastor Shirley Cesar, Attorney Ben Crump, Dr. Dorsey
C. Miller, Jr., 35th Grand Basileus, Omega Psi Phi Frater-
nity, Karla Hernandez-Mats, President United Teachers of
Dade, Marleine Bastien, Executive Director FANM, Pastor
John P. Kee, members, community partners, friends and
A US Congressional recognition was presented to Bishop
Curry by Mr. Jamal Ingram and Dr. Marcus Bright, on be-
half of the Honorable Frederica S. Wilson of Florida’s 24th
Congressional District and the 5000 Role Models of Excel-