Legal Elite and the South Florida Legal Guide as one of Florida’s top personal injury law firms.
The Pastors Forum and Scholarship Foundation are among the latest of Freidin Dobrinsky Brown & Rosenblum’s community endeavors. The firm has a long history of giving back to the community, from donating school Born in Thomasville, Georgia and uniforms to a local children’s day center in Overtown to raising money for raised in Perry, Florida, Vernita C. St. Jude’s Children Research Hospital Williams is a pharmacist, attorney and Associate Pastor residing in Miami, over the last 10 years. Florida. She is an alumni of Florida A In the spirit of improving the commu- & M University where she received a nity, Philip Freidin is one of the attor- B.S. Degree and Doctorate in Pharmaneys representing, free of charge, West cy prior to serving 4 years as a profesGrove residents who are suing the City sor at Howard University College of of Miami to stop the construction of a Pharmacy. She received a Doctor of Jurisprudence from the University of trolley garage. Miami School of Law, and has years For West Grove, a predominantly of experience handling church-related black, low-income neighborhood, the matters including, probate cases, estrolley garage is the latest in decades tate planning, wills, trust, guardianof racial discrimination and municipal ships and general civil litigation. She neglect. The facility is being built in also hosts a local radio show, VictoriWest Grove as part of a land swap to ous Life Management, which airs on make space for a mixed-use apartment 1490 WMBM. building in Coral Gables, where the This pharmacist turned lawyer garage is currently located. The minority neighborhood would bear the bur- and associate pastor currently moves
dens of trolley usage and maintenance, including public health hazards, but will not reap the benefits of the trolley service, which is for the Coral Gables community. Freidin reasonably expects that if Coral Gables is going to have the luxury of the trolleys, then they should also have the negative aspects as well.
comfortably between both worlds, being actively involved in ministry and practicing law full time. Her current vision is to broaden her scope of community involvement by serving pastors, churches and the members of church congregations. The firms recognize that part of their role as attorneys in the community is helping and supporting the members of the community who need it most. The spirit of community involvement and volunteerism is a tradition at Freidin, Dobrinsky, Brown & Rosenblum P.A. and Vernita C. Williams, Esq., P.A. They are proud of the results they achieve on behalf of their clients, and they are also extremely proud of their firms’ participation in various community activities. For more information on the upcoming Pastors Forum Luncheon, please contact Freidin, Dobrinsky, Brown & Rosenblem, P.A. at 305-371-3666 or email them at [email protected] or reach Vernita C. Williams, Esq. at 305477-1191 or email her at vcwoflsb@