Everyone is making New Year’s Resolutions this time
of year. They want to lose weight, make more friends,
make more money, be more stylish, and be more
popular. But, how about making a resolution to be a
better you?
Everyone has his or her own unique qualities. A few
key things that make them authentic, have their own
style and be different from everyone else. If you want
to proudly stand on your own, and be the special you
only you can be, here are a few key things you can do
to become a better YOU.
Forget what colors are in this winter. What is your
favorite color? What colors do you think you look best
in? What shade looks good against your skin? Beige
verses white, or perhaps pastels verses vibrant hues?
Or maybe purple is your signature color. Wear lavenders, periwinkles or your favorite plums and feel alive.
As far as make-up goes, instead of wearing metallic
blue eyeshadow because it is all the rage, what color
looks best on your eyelids? Purples? Browns? Greens?
Choose the colors you feel most comfortable with and
wear those colors with pride. Or, if you are earthier,
and going more natural is your thing, forget eyeshadow all together and claim a fresh faced, natural look.
If you love wearing jeans and a t-shirt, but fear you
look too dressed down in some situations that may call
for slacks or even a dress, so what? Wear those great
jeans and a nice tee and dress them up with a great
pair of leather ankle boots, a gorgeous necklace and
beautiful earrings. Have your make-up perfect and a
cute hairstyle, and you are ready to go out for dinner
at any trendy restaurant.
Hair styles – if really long hair is in, and you want a
pixie cut but fear it won’t look good on you, go to your
stylist and ask them their opinion. You may just have
the perfect face for a short do and you could end up
looking fabulous.
Or perhaps you are into accessories. You like having a
scarf around your neck, wearing a funky hat, or chain
belt or clunky bracelets. You’d rather carry a backpack
than a purse, or you only like wearing sneakers instead
of heels. Whatever puts a stamp on your unique style,
don’t be afraid to go for it.
If no one had the guts to be their authentic selves, we
wouldn’t have a Lady Gaga, Miley Cyrus, Rihanna
or Jennifer Lawrence. Be true to your own unique
look and don’t worry about what other people think.
Go with what fashion suits you, rather than following
trends. After all, no one can be a more original you
than you.