What was it that made you want to pursue your field in beauty?
What was your strength going through this process?
I enjoy people looking and feeling beautiful.
My strength going through this process was my faith
in God. Knowing the power of discernment and early
detection gave me comfort in knowing that everything
was going to be fine. I also drew strength from my
husband and beautiful daughters.
What is your true passion in life and how does that coincide
with your career?
My true passion in life is helping people tap into their
inner beauty and translating that into their outer beauty.
What was your inspiration in becoming a survivor and how
does that affect your day to day living post cancer?
DCIS is not cancer in the form that we are all accustomed
to hearing about, so in my case this was never lifethreatening and I didn’t approach it as such. I knew this
was a serious medical condition and I took an aggressive
approach in terms of my treatment and removed both
breasts so that I wouldn’t have to revisit this in my future.
My inspiration to overcome this mental battle came from
knowing that I had a purpose and calling in my life and
that is why God blessed me with the gift of discernment
and I was able to find this disease in its earliest form. I
only consider myself a survivor in a sense that I overcame
a mental battle and didn’t allow the devil to defeat my
mind while experiencing this medical challenge.
How do you think that your diagnosis and overcoming cancer
will affect you and your family in the future?
I think this experience will affect my family and me in a
positive way. It encourages us to stay close, enjoy each
other daily, and to be proactive in our healthcare and lead
an active healthy lifestyle.
What are your goals from here on out?
My goal is to continue to exercise, eat healthy, work,
travel, and enjoy my family and friends. Anyone that has
had an experience like this or not, it’s important to enjoy
living and appreciate life.
What advice do you have to give to other women who face the
same diagnosis?
Make sure to do your research on this disease and have a
lot of questions for your doctor to really educate yourself
on the best treatment and future prevention of this
disease as it specifically pertains to your case.