The Good Life France Magazine November/December 2015 | Page 8


1st November 2013 La Toussaint – All Saints’ Day

National Holiday. All over France pots of chrysanthemums are taken as a gift to put on graves, as loved ones who have passed on are remembered.

11th November Armistice Day

Commemorative services are held all over France in honour of those who lost their lives at war.

Beaujolais Nouveau, Burgundy

20 November

At the stroke of midnight on the third Thursday of November, this year’s Beaujolais wine is released and festivities to celebrate its arrival begin. The biggest festival is Les Sarmentelles in Beaujeu, a five-day celebration, including fireworks, a parade and wine tastings. This event attracts about 20,000 visitors.

Major Christmas markets in France start in November - check out our website for more details and for Paris Christmas markets see page 20.


Festival Coquilles St-Jacques, Normandy

21-22 November, 10h-18h

In the port of Ouistreham a festival of gastronomy focussing on seafood and especially coquiles St-Jacques (scallops).

Expect to enjoy sea shanties, concerts, cooking classes, smoked fish, exhibitions, boat tours, guided tours of the harbour and lighthouse.

Hareng Roi - Herring Festival, Etaples

7-8 November

A major celebration of the humble herring in this northern French port town. Huge fun with the locals, herring cooked every way and a very charming, authentic event. (Read about it here)