The Good Life France Magazine Autumn 2018 | Page 87

There may be charges for this type of product and there could be restrictions on how much you can withdraw in the early years, thereby limiting your flexibility.

There is of course nothing wrong with this, but you may be ‘limiting’ your advice and missing out on a wider market approach and a significant range of investments and investment companies which ultimately may be more suitable for you.

These advisers may not have the experience or opportunity to look at other areas for financial planning for you.

Independent Advisers:

This is an adviser who can offer you advice rather than product placement. Known as a ‘conseiller’ in France. They are highly trained and will not ‘sell’ you anything.

Independent advisers aim to plan and collect information on all of your financial assets and provide a full report across areas such as inheritance/estate planning, pensions and investment.

They will search the whole marketplace for a product that is appropriate for you and consider your needs and wishes to achieve the best outcome.

In France this can mean for instance that you will have a choice of a number of assurance vie products, a portfolio can be tailored to your specific needs and requirements and you are not limited to any particular Assurance Vie product.

Everyone’s needs are slightly different - you might be moving across different countries in Europe or moving to Europe from another jurisdiction. Having an adviser who understands your needs may be fluid, can certainly be an advantage.