The golden age -1 | Page 3

Who were the Abbasids? T he Abbasids were a Muslim dynasty that held power over the Islamic em- Abbasid Art pire for almost 2oo years from 750 to 945 CE. They came to power by rebelling against the ruling Umayyad dynasty in East- During the Abbasid era (750– 1258), in 762 the capital was shifted eastward from Syria to Bagh- ern Iran and later on defeated the Umayyads dad, Iraq. The first three centuries completely. The main base of the Abbasids of the Abbasid rule were the gold- was established in Iraq. Their first capital was Baghdad and then shifted to Samarra and later on again back to Baghdad (Petersen, 2002). en age. Due to the new location of the capital, numerous influences from cultures around the world were made available. The Muslim artisans adopted aesthetic influences from China, the Iranians or Persians, Indians culture and traditions. As the Muslim artisans were being influenced and inspired by all these various beautiful cultures at the same time they were improving and mastering their own aesthetics, which later created a whole new unique art style in the Islamic world. Figure 1 Beaker with relief–cut decoration, Abbasid period (750–1258), 9th–10th century