The Gold Book of Xanthi | Page 83

Ιερός Μητροπολιτικός Ναός Τιμίου Προδρόμου | Holy Cathedral of Timios Prodromos The Holy Cathedral of Timios Prodromos, which is first mentioned at the end of the 16th century. The current church was rebuilt in 1839 by Metropolitan Eugenius. The Church of Akathis- tos Hymn, with the icon of Holy Mary holding her baby, of special religious and artistic value, dated from the 16th century. The Church of the 12 Apostles, in the neighbor- hood of Chatzistavrou. In the church yard there are two grave-markers of Stavros Chatzistavrou or Chekimoglou Jamiha (July 23 1889). Ιερός Μητροπολιτικός Ναός Τιμίου Προδρόμου | Holy Cathedral of Timios Prodromos 83