The Gold Book of Ioannina 2018 | Page 49

γεύση χάρη στην αργή ανάπτυξη του πτηνού, ενώ το κρέας του ποδιού του είναι πιο κόκκι- νο και ευώδες. Πιο συγκεκριµένα, ο ειδικός τρόπος εκτροφής, η ηλικία και η πλούσια σε δηµητριακά διατροφή καθιστούν το µαύρο κοτόπουλο Νιτσιάκος πλούσιο σε διατρο- φικά πλεονεκτήµατα έναντι των υπόλοιπων συµβατικών πουλερικών µε χαρακτηριστικά όπως: αυξηµένη πρωτεΐνη, λιγότερο νερό, λιγότερα λιπίδια, υψηλά ανόργανα άλατα καθώς και υψηλή περιεκτικότητα σε κάλιο και φώσφορο, γεγονός που το καθιστά ιδανικό για παιδιά και αθλητές. By investing in the enhancement of its product range in order to meet the needs of even the most demanding consumers, in 2015 it launched the Black Chicken, for which it became the sole distributor. Why does Βlack Chicken boost our nutrition? It is widely known that, with regard to our nutrition, chicken combines great flavor with rich nutrients that give us the energy required in our daily life. Innovation is the main tool in the arsenal of Nitsiakos company which led to the launching of the black chicken, thanks to which we now have the opportunity to enhance our nutrition plan with a product of high nutritional value rich in nutrients and exceptional flavor. The black chicken from Alsace company is ex- clusively of French origin with meat of premium quality that can be attributed to both its breed- ing duration, which exceeds 90 days, and its specially planned animal feed, which is 100% of vegetal origin, certified by AGROCERT® and rich in cellulose. With an exceptionally flavorful meat, black chicken fillets have a subtle taste thanks to the slow breeding of the birds, while leg meat is redder and more fragrant. More specifically, the special breeding, the age and the nutrition rich in cereals make Nitsiakos black chicken rich in nutritional benefits compared to the rest of mainstream poultry with characteristics such as: high protein, less water, less lipids, high levels of inorganic salts, potassium and phosphor, which makes it ideal for children and athletes. 49