The Gold Book of Evritania | Page 99

Καρπενήσι | Karpenissi Φουρνά | Fourna village Βράχα | Vracha village 7 th ROUTE K arpenissi – F ourna – K leitso – V racha – C hochlia – P etralona – A ghia T riada Start from Karpenissi and go up to Aghia Triada. It’s an amazing route, going first north of the capital, to Fourna, after about 1 hour (40 km). From there continue northwest for 11 minutes more, to get to Kleitso. Then head southeast, to Vracha village (23’, 10.8 km). It is worth continuing south, to meet Chochlia village (10.2 km, 22’), which, according to some scholars, is the capital of ancient Evrytania (Oichalia). As you continue, the next must stop is Petralona (3.8 km, about 9’), with an amazing view to Velouchi and Agrafa. From there you finally get to Aghia Triada (3.9 km, about 9’), a wonderful verdant village in the heart of Roumeli. 99