Every year, a big annual trade fair of Prophe-
tis Ilias of Karpenissi begins on the eve of
the fair and lasts for 5 days, giving a special
color to the city. The trade attracts people
from Evritania as well as the regions nearby,
while we can find a great variety of things,
such as men’s, women’s and children’s cloth-
ing, home ware, bedding, jewelry, tools and
traditional food products.
Every year on July 26 in Ambliani there are
several happenings held, mainly the tradi-
tional dance “Stegos”, which is danced only
in this area.
In early August and in the context of a series
of cultural events (Katsadonia), they do a
representation of the arrest of Katsantonis in
a cave at Schiniko of Agrafa.
Every year there is being held, at a different
village, the “PanEvritanian Meeting”, a
chance for all Evritanians worldwide to meet.
They gather there from the whole of Evritania
and Greece to dance, eat and drink. Every
Summer in the Municipality of Domnitsa
they organize the “Evritanian Road”, a
marathon race.
The beginning of the armed liberating strug-
gle against the Germans, is celebrated usually
at the end of June, at the National Resistance
Monument of the Domnista village.
In Viniani, usually at the end of March, they
celebrate the founding of the Government
of the Mountain (P.E.E.A.) in 1944. in 1944.
Α memorial service is taking place, followed
by the deposition of wreaths. In the central
square of Kerasochori village , the munici-
pality of Agrafa in collaboration with the Cul-
tural Association of Kerasovites, organizes a
celebration to honor the local chieftain Kosta
Veli on the anniversary day. (10 May).
Lastly, the municipality of Karpenissi cele-
brates annually the convening of the Nation-
al Council in 1944, with organized honorary
events taking place at Korischades village of