The Gold Book of Ermionida | Page 19

FOURNI Six kilometers north of Kranidi, this tiny village in the mainland stands out for its traditional island colour, prominent in every corner. From the narrow streets and the flowery yards to the colourful houses, the architecture of which is reminiscent of the coastal villages of the Argosaronic Gulf, Fourni is considered as the “small Paris” of the region, according to its almost 400 permanent inhabitants. It is believed that is was named after the second daughter of King Fourneas, who ruled in the area, while this is where the pre-mycenaean remnants of the ancient town of Masitas are found. In Lazes you will see an ancient greek tower dating from 470 BC. Complete your tour with a trip to Lambagianna beach, within short distance (just 3,5 km), in the sea bed of which was found a large settlement of the mid 3rd millennium BC and in the impressive Franchti Cave located within short distance. 19