The Globe America and the World | Page 17


The effects of heavy co2 exposure are in no way restricted to just one kind of reaction. A person’s reaction to exposure of co2 is based on them and their body’s natural reaction. According to the Wisconsin department of health, it usually revolves around shortness of breath and other respiratory problems.

In all seriousness, co2 is a very dangerous chemical, and it is slowly killing this world. We need to cut down on all the co2 we expel from the everyday things we use.

As you can see from this chart, a lot of countries contribute to the co2 problem. China leads with the most co2 emissions in the world with a whopping 29%. In second is the U.S at 16%. Then 3rd is India with 7%. Co2 emissions are very important to get control of because it ties in with global warming.

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