The Globe America and the World | Page 11

What to do to Enhance the Earth to Save Ourselves

Life on Earth is at stake, and if the people do not realize this,

there might not be life on Earth at all. Many things need to

change to benefit the lives of people on Earth. Here are some

steps to take:

3.Talk to others

Tell friends and family about how we need to change

our ways for the survival of life on Earth.

Let them know what global warming is and how it will

affect us in the long run.

Now it is time to take this seriously and take care of

the environment. Without the help, the Earth will be

off balance. Do something to help and save lives

before there is no life at all.

Work Cited

1.Ways to change

Clean up Earth

•Find ways to reduce pollution


Save electricity and water

Get rid of plastic bags and use reusable ones

2.Join An Organization

Earth Island Institute

•Environmental Defense

•Green House Network

•Greenpeace Fund

•National Wildlife Federation

•Sierra Club Foundation

•The Nature Conservancy