The Global Religious Landscape June 2012 | Page 13

12 PEW FORUM ON RELIGION & PUBLIC LIFE Majority Religion, by Country Countries are colored according to the majority religion. Darker shading represents a greater prevalence of the majority religion. Christians Buddhists Muslims Jews Unaffiliated No clear majority Hindus Nine countries have no clear religious majority: Guinea Bissau, Ivory Coast, Macau, Nigeria, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, Togo and Vietnam. There are no countries in which adherents of folk religions make up a clear majority. There are also no countries in which followers of other religions (such as Bahai’s, Jains, Sikhs, Shintoists, Taoists, followers of Tenrikyo, Wiccans or Zoroastrians) make up a clear majority. in-ten ( ) live in the seven countries where uddhists are in the majority: hutan, urma (Myanmar), Cambodia, Laos, Mongolia, Sri Lanka and Thailand. Israel is the only country with a Jewish majority. There are no countries where members of other religions (such as aha’is, Jains, Shintoists, Sikhs, Taoists, followers of Tenrikyo, iccans and oroastrians) make up a majority of the population. There are also no countries where people who identify with folk or traditional religions clearly form a majority. 2 For a discussion of the challenges of measuring the pervasiveness of folk or traditional religions, see the section on Folk Religionists on page 34.