The Global Phoenix - Issue 4 The Global Phoenix - Issue 4 | Page 32

7. How do cultural differences impact on talent mobility? In the last 150 years, Japan has evolved from an isolated feudal state into a modern country with a free market and some of the world’s most advanced technologies. In society, however, many old traditions and customs continue to survive. Understanding these customs will make day-to-day expat life easier. Faux pas are the order of the day, although Japanese people are very forgiving when one is perceived to be sincerely trying to understand. Patience and sensitivity will help the expat get through. Many foreigners pass comment that ‘Japan is too polite’ and also extremely strict, resulting in each step of the registration process taking a very long time. This can prove frustrating when striving to meet corporate deadlines for project commencement dates. 8. What trends in global talent mobility in Japan have you noted over the past 5 years? The average age of relocated expats is getting younger. We note that assignees relocate with fewer household goods. Also, short-term assignments have increased notably. 9. What changes do you project over the next 5 years? We note a trend for Japanese companies to favour non-Japanese tale