The Global Phoenix - Issue 4 The Global Phoenix - Issue 4 | Page 6
Culture and the
Customer Service
Sue Shinomiya and Diana Anderson
Published with the permission of Berlitz Corporation
The Global Business Landscape
Advances in technology enable us to
communicate, collaborate and provide services
instantaneously 24/7 with co-workers and
customers in almost any part of the world.
But do we have the cultural skill set and know-how
to be truly productive in a global marketplace,
provide the best customer service, and make the
most of the technology that connects us?
Customers typically expect quick, polite and
thorough solutions. Assumptions about how
to provide that excellent customer service
experience, however, vary from culture to culture
and often pose a challenge.
For example, a key ingredient of quality customer
service is “empathy” the identification with and
understanding of another’s situation, feelings and
motives. But, is it possible for someone sitting
in a call center in Eastern Europe, to really put
themselves in the customer’s shoes in Canada?
Understanding cultural values, behaviors and
attitudes regarding service expectations and
a working knowledge of social protocol and
etiquette in various cultures is essential for
success today. Organizations that focus on
customer service require a global perspective in
their approach.
Page 6
56% of consumers
surveyed stated their
expectations for
customer service are
higher now than they
were just one year
(Global State of Multi-channel Customer
Service Report, 2016)