The Global Phoenix - Issue 4 The Global Phoenix - Issue 4 | Page 17

Consider these five strategies to better leverage global mobility in order to attract , develop and retain top talent , and support your talent management goals .
1 . Set your sights on the destination
Being strategic requires a strong plan for getting to where you want to go . Define what success looks like for your global mobility program , and set that as the destination for your relocation and assignment programs . Setting that destination for your mobility program and charting the course increases your chances of getting there .
Make sure your Global Mobility team ’ s mission and vision aligns with your company ’ s talent management and business ’ goals and agendas .
As you work through the next four strategies , always come back to this first one - your mission and vision . This creates a perpetual dialogue between your mission and vision and the objectives , initiatives and goals that keep your program focused throughout the year .
Consider adding the mission and vision to your weekly team meeting agenda or posting it where your team meets , so there is a constant reminder of your destination . Communicate the mission and vision to all stakeholders in the program , from your outsourced relocation suppliers to your internal departmental teams like payroll , accounting and tax .
2 . Apply flexibility and balance ( we ’ re not asking you to do the splits )
Companies are seeing the value in improving the employee experience and making it a focused priority . Employees and hiring managers are requesting more options and greater choice where the cost of a relocation or assignment is better targeted to specific employee needs .
A key approach to this is utilising a set of flexible relocation and assignment policies that balance the needs of both the company and the employee , such as core-flex policies , cafeteria / menu-driven policies , points-based policies and multi-tiered policies .
Consider how technology might support flexibility , increase the return on talent movement and decrease the investment . With workforce demographics changing and cost consciousness always a top concern , flexible programs really can be designed to address needs and costs .
And don ’ t forget — evaluate the effectiveness of your policies annually .
www . theglobalphoenix . org Page 17