The Global Phoenix - Issue 1 The Global Phoenix - Issue 1 | Page 74

C O M I N G I N O U R Q . 2 E D I T I O N

‘ Building Cross Cultural Competence in an Increasingly Global Workplace ’ – Stephan Branch MBA PhD ; CEO World Trade Resource & Binwa Sethi ; Senior Director Talent Partner at ADP LLC
A White Pater that explores ‘ how global organisations can build capacity for crosscultural competence while creating a ‘ space ’ that fosters more effective human interactions . The framework and tools discussed will provide a better understanding of how to incorporate cross cultural competence within leadership development and talent management practices ’
Our ‘ Global Focus ’ will remain on EMEA , this time ‘ Focusing on Europe ’ with ‘ Turning the Spotlight ’ on each region within the continent ; special attention will be given to Poland ; the location of EuRA Congress to be held in Warsaw , April 25-28
We will look at ‘ The Art of Public Speaking ’ and ‘ Social Media Marketing ’
w w w . t h e g l o b a l p h o e n i x . o r g i n f o @ t h e g l o b a l p h o e n i x . o r g