The Global Military Fixed-Wing Aircraft Market 2017-2027
The Global Military Fixed-Wing Aircraft Market 2017-2027
Global Military Fixed-Wing Aircraft Market is projected to register a CAGR of 4.71 % over 2017-2027 , growing from US $ 60.3 billion in 2017 The cumulative market for global expenditure on military aircraft is estimated at US $ 846 billion over the forecast period . The expenditure on military aircraft is expected to be driven by the ongoing global turmoil , internal and external security threats , fleet replacement programs , modernization strategies and territorial disputes across the world .
In terms of segments , multi-role and transport aircraft are expected to account for 59.3 % and 23 % of the military aircraft market respectively , followed by reconnaissance and surveillance aircraft and bombers , with a cumulative share of 12.5 %. In order to counter the rising price of US and European made fighter jets , extensive indigenous multi-role platform development programs are being implemented by nations such as India , South Korea , Pakistan , and Japan , which is expected boost the multi-role market over the forecast period .
The report “ The Global Military Fixed-Wing Aircraft Market 2017-2027 ” offers detailed analysis of the global military aircraft market over the next ten years , and provides market size forecasts . Furthermore , it covers key technological and market trends in the industry , and analyzes factors influencing demand for military aircraft . Additionally , the report also highlights challenges faced by industry participants .
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