The Global Achievers The Global Achivevers / September Issue | Page 28

The Next Global Impactor 2019

Comments from some of the competitors

"This competition never allowed me to have an excuse last longer that a few minutes because at the end of the day, if i didtn act on anything, i was hurting the world more than i was hurting myself." - Brain Sly.

"I learned to trust in others by letting them help me, to allocate responsibilities by relinquishing control, that we could accomplish much more together than we could alone." - Mistie Layne

"Impactors are people who have a mission that is greater than them." - Sharon Ton

"The Next Impactor competition opened doors to new relationships that have flourished into life long friendships. It gave us an additional feeling of purpose and identity that we weren't harnessing wholeheartedly prior to the competition. It gave us world-class business coaching that we wouldn't have been able to take advantage of otherwise." - Nancy & Scott Keisling

"There is nothing you cannot do except live forever. Find a way to share and release the poison from within." - Charles Prizen, Jr. aka Coach Chuck

"With Next Impacctor,, I learned that having great ideas is not enough. It takes support and engagement from people to make your business, nonprofit and fundraising events a success." - Brooke Curran

"..... it was not about me, but my why. I couldnt turn my back towards the autistic community because i got uncomfortable." - Christopher Casson