The Global Achievers The Global Achivevers / 2019 Issue 10 | Page 17

"The world has no boundary"

I know what an “empty nest” is — letting your children follow their own lives and dreams and being infinitely proud of them. At the age of 47, I even know what it means to be a grandmother, thanks to my wonderful daughter and son-in-law, it’s a fairy tale, which I still don’t fully understand yet. They live in Moscow, and I live in Toronto, so we don’t see each other as often as we would like. I know what immigration is, and starting from scratch, including a new language, new social contacts, new direction in business and endless learning. In general, I know a lot of things and it’s not from hearsay, I can continue writing…

Q - What inspires or motivates you in life?

A - My children are my main inspiration, but not the only one. My curiosity inspires me to learn and understand more each and every day. The world has no boundaries, and I am always eager to look “behind the scenes”. I received my first diploma in accounting, then graduated as a criminal lawyer and articled until I realized there was a better way to help people before they got into trouble. I found this possibility in the field psychology which to date is still my inspiration. Given my preference for the integrative I studied in multiple directions — humanistic