Stayed in the grandest of hotels and was offered a very generous travelling and entertainment allowance. I look back at that time and I realise how much grace and favour was on my life because I had no education in public relations or advertising or even experience in fashion.
After being made redundant from that job I decided to visit Australia. My mother and I always met each other every two years (she was based in South Africa) and we would always choose a country to visit together. One year we decided it would be Australia and we travelled around the whole of Australia except Tasmania over a four month period. I decided to emigrate to Australia, I had been offered a job In London to work in Sydney, on arrival I was informed the job was not available. After a challenging time of being unemployed for 6 months I met someone at a party. She called me the next day and said how much she enjoyed meeting me, that her husband had said she needed a secretary and assistant and would I consider working with her. I was thrilled I worked on the concept of photography, met the media and kept her organised. We created an amazing things together with traditional Australian companies like Cerebos, Rosken Skin Care and Fountain Sauces, It was a wildly exciting creative time in Sydney. Made redundant one more time.
I saw an Ad in the Sydney Morning Herald, when I applied I was told I would not get it, however the owner of an Upholstery Company created a position for me. I rented out my house in Sydney put my things in storage, packed my luggage and got on a train and came to Brisbane, I knew no one and started my life in Brisbane. I did training in the use of upholstery fabrics in places like A-Mart and main role was also to teach salespeople to do less travelling and use the phone to make sales and appointments. It was challenging because they did not like the change. Once again the company closed down and I was made redundant, I ended up doing various telemarketing jobs until I found myself working for a very well known Personal Development And Training Company where I promoted speakers like Anthony Robbins, Jim John, Denis Waitley, Wayne Dyer, to name a few. I became the Top Sales Person and won an Award as one of only Two women with SWAP (a sales organisation) called Sales People with a Purpose.