The Global Achievers The Global Achievers / June Issue | Page 30

Timeliness and appropriateness are my favorite principles in the psychology of success. Today much is written about how to get to the “top of Olympus” and the different strategies involved. From my point of view, all strategies are secondary and are effective only when applied in the right place and at the right time. What do I mean?

Imagine that you go fishing, you have the right fishing gear, rods, tackle and bait — you go to the city central square, sit at the fountain and wait for the fish to bite. You are disciplined, patient, focused and full of love and hope, however, these qualities have little impact on your success of fishing, because it is obvious — you are at the wrong place!

Or another situation — you like collecting mushrooms, and you even have a favorite place in the forest where you usually go to pick. Imagine, in December (I live in Toronto, we have snow in winter) you go to the forest, anticipating the savory taste of mushroom soup, walk for a long time unable to unearth any mushrooms. Full of diligence, attention and responsibility, you are looking for mushrooms under each tree, dig up the snow, and there is nothing. It is obvious, there are no mushrooms in December!

Nevertheless, many people live just like this, and they wonder why nothing happens in their lives.

Have you ever seen how an animal remains completely still before launching an attack or running

away? At the instinct level, they assess the situation in that the price of failure may mean their life.

In today's society we have almost forgotten about our natural instincts, slowly losing contact with

time and place. Today, pausing to reflect on a situation is perceived as weakness. The enemy of timeliness and positioning is impulsiveness, which, unfortunately has become a dominant feature of modern society. The changing dynamics of life along with the bombardment of consumer deals are such that decisions have to be made instantly. However, impulsive decisions may increase the likelihood of failure. What to do?

Where Is Timeliness And Appropriateness On Your List?

- Naira Velumyan