Transition from Employee to Entrepreneur
Myrna Widlend
As a child, I always had the desire to be an Entrepreneur, but my life didn’t start that way. I went to college and studied shorthand and typing. My plan was to develop my skills so that I would be the Personal Assistant to some high flying executive and see the world. I realized I didn’t have to be in that position. I eventually had my own PA and travelled around the world on my own. Having the opportunity to work in the areas of community relations, marketing, public relations, fashion and the seminar industry was exciting. However, my heart yearned to be an Entrepreneur. I allowed myself to be held back by the lack of money and skills.
A colleague showed me a business model, where I could own my creativity. I was left with the decision of how I was going to fit this opportunity into my life, I was working a 60-hour week. I found a creative way to mark different from my day job to building a business. I wore a baseball cap, which gave me a different focus and mindset.
After experiencing my fourth redundancy, I opened the parachute and jumped at the opportunity of becoming a full-time Entrepreneur. It was exciting but also had its challenges. It's definitely not a quick fix if you decide you don’t like working for a boss. There have been moments when I doubted my decision and I would be in tears with frustration and sheer exhaustion. I had to push away my self-doubt, get rid of any excuses because failure just wasn’t an option. I had to stay committed, believe in myself and my mission and inspire others to join me on my journey.
I had to learn to stay committed to my dream and my vision and to balance
my strong vision with the willingness to embrace change. I’ve had to learn
how to ride the emotional roller coaster. I discovered that Entrepreneurship is a mindset. It’s a way of thinking and acting, finding out new ways of solving problems and creating value. It’s about listening to team members, customers and community leaders. It’s about having a passion for learning. I’ve had to dig deep for courage, commitment, patience and perseverance. I put on my daily armour to go to battle to leave someone in a better place after I meet them and leave the world a better place once I'm no longer here. MW