I’m a Professional Voluntourist and I help busy people, mostly entrepreneurs and executives to experience your higher purpose and greater self through traveling, giving back on local projects for under-privileged kids and ticking off your bucket list at the same time.
Many of us experience success and fame and like me, discover that it’s great to be the best at something in our vocation, yet there is still something missing.
And that’s a deeper sense of self, fulfilment and completion along with living in to our greater authentic life desires and passions.
Through travelling AND giving back, you can gain the opportunity to apply your hands and heart to projects like building schools, renovating orphanages, and assisting facilities around the world who’s mission it is to rescue/save and empower lives. You go on these trips thinking you will change lives but the greatest changes and transformations actually happen deep inside.
Jen Clarke
Professional Voluntourist
Merry Christmas