The Global Achievers The Global Achievers / Issue 4 | Page 5

1.Tell us about your background – your story of self-discovery and your amazing achievements

My story is one of following the path you think you should, until you find the path you destined to lead. My story is one of Superannuation Lawyer turned Makeup Artist Entrepreneur and Brand owner.

As a child (age 5-14) I dreamed of being an Actress – I was so ready for the stage! My mum was always encouraging my dreams and goals, and she did with acting too. Until my school grades were getting pretty good around Year 9, so mum changed tack, and decided to encourage me to be a Lawyer, and, as a businesswoman herself, highly skilled in sales, she sold it to me – triggering all my 14 year goals – because I’d become rich and famous as a lawyer! She told me lawyering was just like being an Actress – because you have to perform for the judge and jury. Well that was it – I was sold – performance, fame and fortune – where do I sign up?!

But on a serious note, I knew I had to do something that would HELP people. I had a goal that I could help kids like me who had grown up in domestic violence-riddled homes. My parents’ divorce was horrible. And the Family Court didn’t listen to me and what I wanted – it was the ‘80s and they were stuck in what they thought was in the best interests of the child. But what they thought – that I should go and spend time with my Dad – was absolutely terrifying for me and I didn’t want to go. So I thought I’d be the one to the change the world and save the kids who felt disempowered like I did.

During my university years, I worked at The Body Shop, and was lucky enough to be trained in all things makeup (basically because everyone who came in for hand cream left with that, plus a lipstick and liner – I’d give everyone a makeover). I had 5 years there, and I adored it. It set me up for my ethics in business, for the love of makeup and for following your dreams!

Once I graduated with my Law Degree, and did some work experience in Family Law, I knew I couldn’t do that field of work – I would be far too emotional and that wouldn’t make me a good lawyer. So I decided I’d go down a path where I could also help people – this time, in superannuation law, where I’d help people secure their retirements.

I loved working as a lawyer – I loved calling myself a lawyer (it was a hard-won degree, and I’d put myself through my two degrees over 5 years (Law and Arts, majoring in Sociology), I’d fought hard for it, and I was proud of my achievements. I worked my way up the superannuation ladder, getting experience in all sectors, and my last job was one of the top in its field - running a superannuation fund as the Fund Executive Officer & Company Secretary for a company’s internal $90 Million Dollar Super fund. It was a great job – and I often tell my mum – nothing about it was anything remotely like being an actress – sitting behind a desk dealing with documents! But you’ve got to love mums who want to ensure their kids are on the right path!

I’m so grateful for my time as a lawyer – I’d reached a real pinnacle in my career running that super fund, and I learnt so many amazing skills and experiences that have set me up for my life as an entrepreneur and my legal career paid for my makeup line, Iridis Cosmetics, so I can’t begrudge it at all!

On a personal note, my journey of self-discovery involved a LOT of counselling – 7 years – and delving into the traumas of my past, and examining the things that held me back. My amazing counsellor helped me work through all of that and got me to a point of gratitude, release and increased self-awareness which really helped me in my business, as well as my life! Invest in yourself – it’s the best investment you’ll ever make.