The Global Achievers The Global Achievers / Issue 4 | Page 18

12. What’s a goal you have for yourself that you want to accomplish in the next year?

Ahhhh 2019 is all about the launch of my new model in my business – the ‘Iridis Influencers Program’. This will be about opening up the brand to affiliate marketing – where Makeup Artists use our products with their clients and refer them to us, to buy products directly, and the Makeup Artist then receives a commission for that referral. This will be a great way to have the industry become familiar with our products, and give Makeup Artists a way to increase their profits. It also fulfils a gap in the market as Makeup Artists want a quality brand they can refer to their clients and if they receive an additional layer of income for that referral, and the client receives a product they need and love, well that’s fantastic all round!

I will be launching this in the new year, and my goal is to increase our brand awareness, increase customers, solve business problems for makeup artists, and launch Iridis Cosmetics into a wider audience.

I also want to be delivering more Glamtorial® Workshops for women, expand our teachings to an online platform, and expand into the Self-Esteem and Self-Belief space, using makeup as a tool to increase the positivity women feel about themselves, their faces and their bodies.

13. What would be your personal motto?

I don’t have one simple guiding motto, but there are a number of beliefs that underpin my approach to life and business which I truly believe is the crux of success:

-Work out what you want to achieve, to be, to make happen – be really clear on what you want

-Work on those things EVERYDAY WITHOUT FAIL – you must take action daily

-Break everything down into chunks and you’ll get it done

-Be positive, stay positive, look for the positive

-Have faith that the universe has your back and will help you

-The right people will come at the right time

-Focus on the things that make you happy (in your life as well as business)

-Network your ass off

-Keep the faith

-Reframe all the things that are “failures”/”lessons”/”learnings” – find the good that comes from them

-Work hard at your craft and get really bloody good at what you do

-Ignore any negativity

-Be kind to yourself and others and LOVE WHAT YOU DO

-And above all, BELIEVE IN YOURSELF.

If it were easy, everyone would be doing it. Fight hard for your dreams and create a life you love and are proud to be living. And have a lot of fun on that journey.