The Global Achievers The Global Achievers / Issue 3 | Page 17

Most people measure their wealth by their life achievements, financial success and the like.

Relatively few people take their health seriously enough to consider it a form of wealth. Most of us often take it for granted naturally.

But when illness strike and we are stuck in our tracks' when we can neither work to make more wealth nor enjoy that which we have built so far then we suddenly realize how important our health really is.

Why wait until such a time?

This is to remind us all that our true wealth is our health.

One of the strategies that has been proven over time in maintaining excellent health is preventive medicine.

I will be speaking more on this in the subsequent issues of The Global Achievers magazine.

Until then, take good care of yourself.

Yours medically speaking,

Dr Stephen Omifolaji.

Do you have any health related question for gpstephen101? email him [email protected]
