The Global Achievers The Global Achievers / 2019 Issue 12 | Page 36

Young People's Corner

The Principle of a Solid Relationship



In our young people's corner, we featured an article written by Lola a Year 11 student of Lighthouse Christian College.

At The Global Achievers, we are passionate about developing speaking, leadership and writing skills in young people around the world. We encourage young people to submit articles to be published in The Global Achievers magazine.

What is the meaning of friends or friendships? Well, i read somewhere that friendships are a relationship of mutual affection between two individuals. Keyword in that definition, mutuality. Friendship is 'two way' as it is between ‘two people.’ Friendships need to be mutual, in other words, balanced. Because without balance, you will encounter more hurdles and hardships than that is necessary.

However, in my definition, a friend is someone loyal to you. Someone that has your best interest in mind and is there for you when you are not feeling 100% and helps you to become a better person overall.

As humans, we need human interaction, we need connections, and we need meaningful relations- in other words, we need friends. Friendships are so significant, in fact, that it has been proven that friendships can extend life expectancy. A recent Harvard study concluded that having solid friendships in our life even helps promote brain health. Friends help us deal with stress; hopefully, it helps us make better lifestyle choices that keep us strong and allow us to rebound from health