CONTROL over our lives by ALTering our motives and DELETING the non-productive outcomes. Instead of falling in bed late every night with your mind constantly spinning with things on the never-ending “to do” list, learn quick and simple habits which will allow daily accomplishments and mental clarity.
First, gain control of your own life by deciding what YOU want and need to accomplish. Make a to-do list every morning by listing things by priority of needs vs. wants. Avoid making your list the night before as this leaves you feeling burdened and anxious about all the things forthcoming. By making your list in the morning, you have more mental clarity and focus with the refreshed attitude of a new day instead of going to bed feeling overwhelmed and obligated. Control needs to be established in your life and discerning the motive of the task will help decide if it is a want or a need for better understanding of prioritization. Ask yourself if the item on the to-do list is a MUST do or WANT to do, and then quickly evaluate the motive behind doing it. For example, you have a deadline at work for a project that you have been procrastinating for one reason or another but now it becomes a MUST and takes high priority on your list because you MUST complete it as part of your job. Meeting a friend for a drink or a movie would go toward the bottom of the list in priority that day. By controlling your list, you can create the space for the wants in your life instead of feeling you never have free time to fit those times in. The last part of this first step is creating a list of all the things you tackled that day so you can go to bed feeling accomplished instead of overwhelmed.
"Gain control of your own life by deciding what YOU want and need to accomplish. - Mistie Layne