The Global Achievers Issue 9/2020 | Page 23

and actions. Fears are often the main reason for why we are not moving forward. Sometimes we are aware of these fears, allowing them to control us, sometimes

we deny or ignore them.

I am not an exception, I used to be ruled by fears, which limited my actions. As an innate introvert, my communication, networking, public speaking and self-presenting on the camera were not my strengths. I tried to avoid all these. If life pushed me out of my “comfort zone”, for example, when defending my doctorate thesis, it was scary to such an extent that my hands

trembled, my face turned red and my breathing almost stopped.

I felt comfortable only in a small circle of people close and well-known to me. To somehow secure myself, I minimized public activity,

trying to be invisible at conferences and symposia. I was telling myself: "It is not time yet ...", “First, I need to ..." or "When I have ... then ..." and so

on. I sincerely believed in these words and thoughts, until I realized that this all was nothing more than a myth. It was partially justified by the past, but not from the perspective of the future, having no relation to reality, given that reality has not yet arrived and belonged to the future. I remember the day when I suddenly realized that I wished to know the limits of this reality, soto-say, “to taste” it, and I took the chance. I immigrated to Canada without an English or French language, without a clear understanding of the future, but with a desire for a change. All I had, was my professional knowledge and experience, “spiced” with big ambitions and