The Global Achievers Issue 8/2020 | Page 66

walk over to the smoker and start a conversation with my Uncle. I told him, I was proud of the way his family hosted the event and then I asked him “How do you become a provider for your family and a reliable partner for your wife?”

His reply inspired this article. “Don’t become stuck around people who are not grounded spiritually. They have to stay where they are but, you are different-you can fly!”

It was at that moment I realized my responsibility to fly. Up until that time I had been on a traumatic ride in life including abuse and neglect by my family, which ultimately landed me in foster care. It was within foster care that I realized the need to spread my wings if I was ever going to move my life to a better space.

Fasten your seatbelts because you are also preparing for take-off. Just like the technician inspects the plane for breaks and deficiencies, you must look at yourself honestly and locate places that need healing. This might include forgiving people who have hurt you, or forgiving yourself for not gearing up to fly earlier in life.

Now is the time for your lift-off! I know some people are afraid of heights because they do not want to fall. I understand that. When you rise miles above your circumstances it is normal to get a little nervous but, what is more important is understanding how to fly so that you can prevent peril.

Let’s prepare you to be a great plane. First, calibrate your mentality by defining flight. Elevating from your starting place by developing