The Global Achievers Issue 8/2020 | Page 3


Hooray.... The Global Achievers magazine is celebrating its second anniversary.

What a joy for us to bring you issue 8 of 2020 of The Global Achievers magazine?

As this issue is about our celebration, we had a competition to ask people to nominate an achiever they know and why? We received hundreds of nominations, but the 3 with the highest votes was Dr. Sofie Nubani with 157 votes, Mistie Layne with 127 votes, and Darryl Hurton with 55 votes. Our cover star is Sofie Nubani, the queen of laughter and wisdom, who won the competition.

We also featured the beautiful Mistie Layne. Tamara L Hunter shared on "Your Time is Now" while Loren Harris shared "Content Conflict: Why Would anyone want to listen to me?" Dan Warburton shared on "Get with The New Connection Protocol or you will be Left Behind." Dr. Naira Velumyan also presented an article titled " The Two angles of Ourselves. Which one is the Priority?" Lastly, we have a new columnist on the block, Cedric Riley's column is about "Keys to Flight."

We hope you enjoy this issue.

Dr Vicky Omifolaji


The Star of The Month - Sofie Nubani

Mistie Layne

- Making


a game-changer in the world

Loren Harris - Content Conflict - Why Would Anyone Want to Listen to me?

Dan Warburton - Get with the New Connection Protocol or You'll Be Left Behind

Tamara L Hunter - Your Time is Now

Dr Naira Velumyan - The Two Angles of Ourselves. Which one is The Priority?

Cedric Riley- Keys to Flight

Darryl L Horton -Duilding Human Connections

Feature in The Global Achievers






