The Global Achievers Issue 8/2020 | Page 44

enticing than ever. It’s now a race to the very top as only these adverts in pole position will steal the show and truly succeed in bringing in a decent revenue.

Obviously, the lower the price on the item you are trying to sell the more people you need to see your adverts but then the cost of advertising isn’t worth it unless your conversion rate is very high and in today’s online world, very few have the skills to achieve this or have the capital needed to split test adverts until they find one that succeeds.

Alternatively you can sell a high ticket item or service but just one advert and a short series of landing pages to follow won’t cause you to be trusted enough by your buyer to buy your products and services.

So is there another way? Yes there is.

To stand out now the art is to forget competing and instead just start connecting.

The trend that’s rapidly arising now is not about getting thousands of followers and subscribers to ensure you succeed and the massive Facebook groups