it is more about the stories of others I have encountered along the way which have consistently fed my need for healing and inspired me to continue no matter what.
If I had relied solely upon the story I was living at any given time in my life, I would have most assuredly missed out on the true moments of change and growth that were afforded me by the courageous survivors I met along the way. It was due to those who were able to summon the power of their personal truths and then share those truths with me, that I was able to begin the healing process which has led me to my own truths.
Our experiences and all that comes with them are lessons, those lessons if learned; are then transformed into stories, and those stories then have the potential to become messages. The reason I believe that so many are never able to find their message for the masses, is because they have never acknowledged the mandatory requirement that insists that before we can take on the responsibility of sharing anything to the masses, we first must understand the why of the lessons we experience in life.
Here’s what I mean by that, let’s say I am a person who consistently blames everything that does not feel good in my life on someone or something else?
If I am never able to at least consider how I