The Global Achievers Issue 8/2020 | Page 10

preparing me so I can help and guid many so they can transition and overcome their challenges as well.

I was aware of what I was interested about in terms of topics that I wanted to further explore. That always help shift my state from feeling overwhelmed, heavy, stressed to feeling excited, enthusiastic and energized.

I was interested in topics such as; The art of Feng Shui, Meditation, Energy Healing, Mindset, later on in life I was curious about Neuroplasticity, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Positive Psychology, Jungian Psychology, FLOW Psychology and Creative Psychology. This kept feeding my “Why” towards a direction focused on service.

As I became more aware (both externally and internally), my truths started looking different as my perception expanded, things were coming to a full circle and appearing clearer.

As my consciousness expanded I naturally applied holistic thinking without learning or reading about back then. It must be my emotional connection to my second emotional core value “oneness” that allowed me to transcend separating emotions such as,; discrimination, judgment and more.

I felt accountable to showing up to life every day at my best by doing and being my best.

When I discovered my gifts, my natural passion of uplifting, encouraging, empowering and relaxing people, I then was able to realize my life’s purpose and identify my soul’s