" I attended many courses in leadership, entrepreneurship and self-transformation to find what would make all the difference. "
- Dan Warburton
Then seven years ago - amid a tough time - I had to call my father for help. It was the hardest phone call I ever had to make because my father had already paid for all my university education and he was the one person above everyone else that I wanted to make feel proud of me.
I called him and said: "Dad, I'm in a really difficult situation, I don't have any money left and I can't pay my rent. Can you please help me by lending me some money just to get through this month?" My father went silent, then he breathed out heavily and replied: "Sorry sunshine, it’s now time for you to find you own way." We ended the call and that was it.
I had absolutely no one else I felt I could turn to for help. No one.
The only solution I could see was to max out my