The Global Achievers Issue 7/2020 | Page 40

about positivity, high achievers know very well the realities that exist. They understand and accept that we all have a choice on how we view our situations. The passion driven high achiever is obsessed with seeing things with optimism. Acknowledging a less desirable event or situation does not mean you have to surrender your expectations of a favorable outcome. That obsession with optimism leads the high achiever to reject the notion that something cannot be done and ask the question, how can it be done?


I will keep this one short and sweet. Winston Churchill said, “Never give up on something that you cannot go a day without thinking about.” The passion driven high achiever always keeps their goals in front of them. There is only one option, never give up.

Passion will forever be the driving force for the achievement of success and happiness. If you have not discovered where your passion lies, search for your purpose. Where you find your purpose, you will find your passion. Passion is what keeps us alive and brings joy to our lives. Reference this article to use to determine where you are in terms of your passion around your projects. If you are struggling in certain areas perhaps it is not your passion, but a lack of clarity or other sabotaging habits of thinking. Find a coach or mentor that can help you with that so you can become a high achiever using The 7 Components of P.A.S.S.I.O.N. DR