The Global Achievers Issue 7/2020 | Page 27

At some point, my goal will be as Loa Tzu wrote, that our “Buddies” will be able to say that they joined our movement, our community, and it will become their community and in it becoming theirs they will become our next leaders.

The Leadership within Chemo Buddies for Life is proud to be building something extremely special. During this unique time of history, we at are also making history. We are changing the way cancer is done throughout the world with humor, hope, heart, hugs, and a whole lot of LOVE. We are building a worldwide movement, one buddy at a time. That one buddy, with the loving support of our community, will discover their own Superhero Super Powers, will understand their Kryptonite or Achilles’ heel, and then will grow into and became the next layer of leadership. This will continue on and on all because of one person showing up.

Someday in the future, when someone hears that they are facing cancer they will immediately know not to fear. That by showing up they will be supported by a loving, global community; the Chemo Buddies for Life.

If you or someone you know is facing cancer and needs a buddy, we are here for you. Our programs are free to all who need us. You can find us at Our community also meets daily through Facebook in the Chemo Buddies 4Life Community Closed Group. You will need to ask to join.

Our 501c3 nonprofit is completely ran by 100% by volunteers and powered by donations. If you can find it in your heart to help us support those facing one