The Global Achievers Issue 6/2020 | Page 3


I will like to introduce you to issue 6 of 2020 of The Global Achievers e-Magazine.

The Global Achievers magazine is for readers who are eager to learn from other people’s stories. In Russia, there is an expression: The wise man learns from someone else mistakes, the smart man learns from his own, and the stupid one never learn. The reason why we share these stories is to encourage our readers and to lay it their heart that if our stars can achieve all they have achieved despite life stresses, environment and condition of birth, they also can. It is about spreading the message of HOPE.

Our cover STAR is a dynamic entrepreneur of ovger 21 years and a man of influence with a powerful brand that supports and honours impactful men and women in North America.

In this issue, Tamara L Hunter who occupied Tamara's corner and she shared her thoughts again which she titled "What Do You Do When Your Brand Is Impersonated on Social Media?". Dr Naira Velumyan also shared with us "Making Change work for you". AN insightful article for the season we are in right now. We have a new writer on the block, Demond Ross who shared with us an article titled 3 Healthy Perspectives for Times of Uncertainty.

We hope you enjoy this issue.

Vicky Omifolaji


The STAR of The Month - Carl Wilson-

Making Change Work for you - Dr Naira Velumyan

Sustainable Online Business

The Global Achievers movement

3 Healthy Perspectives for Times of Uncertainty

- Demond K Ross

What Do You Do When Your Brand Is Impersonated on Social Media?

- Tamara L Hunter

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