In 2020, Carl has over 20 events planned, each event will benefit a charity and awards will be presented to dynamic individuals who have made valuable contributions, making a difference to others!
Carl will be pursuing a Masters Program with Liberty University in Business Management in August 2020. He knows that in today's world,in order to continue to be successful, one must diversify and so he does radio show and also he is having an All Women Rock perfume designed.
Darl is originally from Louisiana and he came from California in 1990 for a position in Management with Wal Mart.
Carl's mother was a great role model who inspired him when he was growing up. She taught him to cook and instilled in him the value of helping others. It was that inspiration that led him to become a personal chef and start his catering company. " I saw the need to do first class event" says Carl. That became Carl's focus and the Catering Company became a reality. Carl's events are now done in Southern CA. In 2021, he plans to expand his operations the "All WOmen Rock" events to