"What the hell is life about? Who am I? Why am I doing the things I'm doing?".
operate from a soul space, a new world opened up for me. That journey started about 4 years ago for me. When I shifted my focus on the internal dialogue, my external world started to respond accordingly. Shortly after this shift is when I started to share my journey with others. Just as I suspected, it helped others to accelerate their lives in all areas. The more people I helped, the better I got at recognizing my own shadows and how to dissolve.
Being a mentor and a teacher came easy to me. It's the gift that I had hidden for so many years because I never felt deserving, heard, accepted, or loved without conditions. The more I fed others, the more I fed my own soul. Then it hit me! There is no separation. The reason we feel good when we are good to others is because we are simply being good to ourselves.
I understood the concept of us all being mirrors of each other. The healing that we do