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TGA - Tell us about your background – your story of self-discovery and your amazing achievements
Dylan - My story starts as an 8-year-old on an airplane from Trinidad to the US. My family was in flight to NYC in 1981 and I sat next to a businessman. I didn’t know his name or what he did, yet he left an impression on me with a simple act of kindness. That interaction sparked an idea within that would later become my definition of success. As we were early in the flight, he ask the flight attendant for a drink, looked over at me and winked before then saying “and get my little buddy over here whatever he wants.”
That was the beginning for me! From that day forward it was planted in my subconscious that “this is what success looked like.” It was more than a look, it was a feeling. That feeling I had as a little 8-year-old boy on his first trip to the US, that was a taste of the American Dream. I started to dream that day, little did I know. I created an image for what I would later become, all driven from the desire to feel good.
Fast forward through an exciting journey - I made it to my mountain top. I was in Corporate America, performing at a high level. I wasn’t even at the pinnacle of my earning potential yet and I was already in the top 3% of income. As I searched for more ways to acquire more success, I pivoted to internal change vs. the exterior in which I was focused.
I’ve been a student of self development from the age of 19. I somewhat learned to master my mind during this journey, but when I learned to
Dylan Ali