The Global Achievers Issue 5/2020 | Page 18

TAG: How do you want people to remember you?

Dylan: I don’t care to be remembered. I choose to not be attach to this idea of Dylan Ali. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a blast being Dylan Ali, but when I’m done with this existence, I don’t care if anyone remembers me or not. I’m dead...what do I care?

TAG: What are some causes you care about and why?

Dylan: I have a vision of an “inner city youth community center” on a very prosperous, abundant lake property. I know that energy is everything and I want to create an environment for youth that is based in an energy of abundance and love, then any words, programs, and resources will stick. I came from very humble - some would even call it disadvantaged - beginnings and I know that there are diamonds in every rough. We get so busy in life that we forget to dream sometimes. I want to help our next generations dream and make those dreams a reality.

TAG: What’s a goal you have for yourself that you want to accomplish in the next year?

Dylan: Become an international name in love and light. I am on a mission to help others see the love that is within. I have a goal of helping the world to move towards love.

GAM: What would be your personal motto?

Dylan: Remove the resistance.

Dylan Ali is a Keynote Speaker, Executive & Leadership Coach