The Global Achievers Issue 4/2020 | Page 32

There are those whom I mentioned before that did not give up too. I am typing this column on a laptop because of those who continued to fail, yet did not give up. I know you are most likely driving a car, reading a novel, or experiencing in some way the outcomes of those who did not give up. They continued to look for a better way.

Many times, the answers are simple, yet not easy. Love as the answer sounds extremely simple, to implement it will not be easy. Yet, it can and I believe must be done.

Within my community when we declared 2020 to be the year of love, we rallied behind it 100%. We are seeing amazing outcomes; you could almost consider them miracles. One of our volunteers within our leadership team, Barbara Beckley, gave what is happening a name. She named it the “Love It Movement.”

I propose we take what we are doing within our community to the world. What if we did? It cannot hurt, it just might help. What if we saw an increase in the world’s frequency? How would that look?

My purpose here in asking the question is not to dictate the answer. It is to start the dialogue. If we come together with the intention of love as the foundation for building a better world post-COVID-19, I do believe we will be taking steps in the right direction. And, to do that, we will collectively create a world where we can all find what my “Buddies” saw as important, a place where faith, friends, family, love are appreciated.

After the pandemic has past and this time becomes history to our coming generations, when they review how we handled our trials, my hope is they will find that we became the “Intentional Generation. ” We found a way to create a world of love and in doing so the most successful economy providing for the needs