The Global Achievers Issue 4/2020 | Page 22

2. What is your WHY? And why?

One word Legacy.

My Why has always been around designing a life of purpose and meaning. And nothing gives your life more meaning than helping other people succeed and find fulfillment in their lives.

We only have 1 life and we need to cherish it and make the most of it. One of the emotions that drives me is the avoidance of regret. I hate feeling regret and I will do anything to avoid that feeling at all costs.

And what that means is going for everything that I want to achieve in my life at 100 miles per hour.

Apart from that, what really drives me is leaving this world behind a much better place than when I left it. And that means a better world for my wife Penny, my 2 daughters, my future generation and also the wider community.

3. Flashback to when you were 10 years old. What do you want to be when you grow up?

I’ve always come from the belief that it is not so much what I wanted to be, but WHO I wanted to be. Who I wanted to look in the mirror every single day. Who I wanted to be proud of. Who I wanted to aspire to. Because what you get in life will always disappear. It’s who you become that last an eternity.

Remember, when we die, the only thing people talk about is our character and not how much money we earned.

4. Do you have any skills or talents that most people don’t know about?

Yes, I am a black belt first dan in Tae Kwan Do.

Other than that, I am an open book =)

5. Who is someone you admire, and why?

My late mother. I did not realize how inspirational she was until I too had children. My parents