The Global Achievers Issue 4/2020 | Page 18

you guys to believe right now. My firm belief is, adversity is the best thing for relationships because you find out who your true friends are. You find out who your true supporters are.

How many of you have realized, during these times of crisis and chaos and adversity, that there have been some people in your life that stood up and some people in your life that ran away? How many of you have had that or seen that right now, or in the past, had some adversity in your life and you had some friends that really stood up for you, or you had some partners or husbands or wives that really showed up, and then the converse when you were going through adversity. The person you thought that was going to be there for you wasn't there for you. How many of you have had that?

Adversity is the best thing for relationships. It's the best thing because if you find out who your true supporters are, you're like, "Wow, I didn't know they cared that much. I didn't know they were that type of person." And if you find out that someone wasn't really there for you and they were just selfish, that's painful, but that's a beautiful thing because at least you don't have to live with a person that's just using you.

At least you can get rid of the people that are not serving you because adversity forced you to. It's the best thing is to know who your true friends are. And with Penny, when I was almost going through bankruptcy, not once did she blame me. Not once did she ever made me feel less than. Not once did she say that I wasn't good enough. Not once did she say, "What the hell did you do to our lives?" In actual fact, she's like, "It's like, Hey, these things happen. That's all right. You'll get it back. It's okay. It just takes time." She was super-encouraging, super reassuring and more than that, when I decided that ... I said to her ... after all that happened, I was doing personal development and I said, "Babe,