The Global Achievers Issue 3/2021 | Page 3


It is a joy to bring you Issue 3/2021 of The Global Achievers magazine.

This magazine is for readers who are eager to learn from other peoples' stories. We share these stories to encourage our readers and lay it in their hearts that if our STARS can achieve all they have achieved despite life stresses, environment and condition of birth, they also can. It is about spreading the message of HOPE and POSSIBILITY.

In this issue, Mistie Layne is our STAR with her story of adversity to achievement passionately shared. She really stepped up and spoke out.

Join me to welcome our new columnistm Carol Rodgers who will be sharing regularly her thought provoking articles in "Cafe Conversations with carol Rogers'. Janette Ramos and Joseph Federico also presented insightful articles for this issue.

I want to take a moment to thank the TGA team and our collaborators for making this a fantastic magazine.

We hope you enjoy this issue..

Dr Vicky Omifolaji