The Global Achievers Issue 3/2021 | Page 11

my all-time low.  I was completely lost and doubtful I would make it through this hell I had created for myself. Thankfully, my faith carried me and  I worked hard and took accountability, found forgiveness of myself and others, and used writing to heal my wounds and pull myself up.  I discovered we can ALL overcome our worst to live our best IF WE SO CHOOSE.


Question 8:  What is your passion? 


I have a passion to help empower women all over the world to know they CAN overcome and live a productive, healthy and meaningful life despite the secrets, shame and pain they carry from their past.  I want to show them they too can pull themselves up and learn to depend on THEMSELVES for strength.  My passion is to transform their lives so their past no longer robs them of their future! Transparency with owning your adversity is a game-changer in your life and once we can step in front of that mirror and be honest with ourselves and others about our pain, true healing can begin.  I used to hide my past due to shame and guilt and the toxicity was killing me.  Thankfully, I learned that I was a SURVIVOR and now that I was on the other side of addcition and abuse, I was an AUTHORITY.  Once I realized it was NO LONGER ABOUT ME, and realized my TRUTH could help others, I no longer hid behind my past and discovered how liberating TRANSPARENCY could be!

Domestic abuse left me in a dark space.  I often say it was one of the hardest to beat because the physical scars healed with time, but the emotional scars ran so deep that the pain kept me toxic and sick inside.   I was no longer that confident little country girl with dreams and ambition.  I had transformed into a timid, scared, and angry woman that didn’t know what food I liked, what music I enjoyed or even how to dress because my abuser dictated all of that for me.  The journey of self-discovery was painful, but beautiful at the same time and I want others to learn to pull strength from their own adversity and use their pain as fuel to be better and rise up.   I want to teach women they can be MORE than their past mistakes, they can be INSPIRATION to others.  My passion is to transform them into their best and let them see their pain from their past is somebody else’s inspirational and hope for the future.

Question 9: What do you value most and why?   INTEGRITY.

I value integrity the most because at the end of the day, you have to live with your own choices in life and how you conduct yourself is how